First draft: not in order of any kind (priority, time required to accomplish, time that has been in my to-do list), but I just wanted to have it out to revise it later; just to have a visual idea of what needs to be done:
- Revise Uma’s papers and requirements for travel
- Vaccinate her and apply anti-flea product
- Revise and update CV
- Finish reading “The Secret” and return to neighbor
- Finish watching VHS movies and return to neighbor
- Clean seeds from ceiba cotton
- Make paper out of the ceiba-cotton fiber
- Make postcard for 43T
- Set up goal for exchange, collect addresses, write, and send
- Renew driver’s license or get international one (evaluate what’s more convenient at this point)
- Decide fate of broken washing machine (recycle, advertise as broken on CL, convert into turning wheel for ceramics?) and act upon decision
- Take down and clean up garden; give away plants
- Bind my thesis and give away
- Check about reprinting high-school diploma
- Pick up letter at bank
- Exchange photos from Cuetzalan trip with organizer (I took his; he took mine) before the semester is over
- Make photo calendar for aunt
- Make photo frame for aunt
- Make 2 kaleidoscopes for aunt & for M
- Finish binding journals and books
- Recover photo attached to glass; find out techniques so it doesn’t get damaged
- Measure frames and cut non-reflective glass to said sizes
- Decide on garage sale or used-stuff market
- Make acupuncture appointment and go
- Finish up stuff in pantry
- Decide fate of vacuum cleaner (fix or sell as is) and act
- Purge design portfolio and photograph it
- Digitize VHS and Betamax tapes; find out how and get cable or whatever; give tapes to aunt or sell at g. sale
- Digitize audio tapes
- Contact 5 friends I haven’t contacted so far here
- Purge magazines
- Cut up all fabrics; sew, sew, sew
- Decide on yarn and return unused to aunt
- Decide on sewing machine (trade with mom, aunt, sell?)
- Fix all the stuff in the “to-fix drawer” or else sell/give away as is
- Go through papers, notes, etc., in black case; review all things that must be done before I leave
- Recover my little ice chest from C and my board games from A
- Have A pick what he wants from the “out” pile; rest goes to g. sale
- Decide on bowling and roller skates
- Go through compilators and purge
- Backup 43Places, Lists of Bests, and All-Consuming
- Write down summer plan and budget
- Clean up Life List
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