Sunday, May 16, 2010

The List

First draft: not in order of any kind (priority, time required to accomplish, time that has been in my to-do list), but I just wanted to have it out to revise it later; just to have a visual idea of what needs to be done:
  1. Revise Uma’s papers and requirements for travel
  2. Vaccinate her and apply anti-flea product
  3. Revise and update CV
  4. Finish reading “The Secret” and return to neighbor
  5. Finish watching VHS movies and return to neighbor
  6. Clean seeds from ceiba cotton
  7. Make paper out of the ceiba-cotton fiber
  8. Make postcard for 43T
  9. Set up goal for exchange, collect addresses, write, and send
  10. Renew driver’s license or get international one (evaluate what’s more convenient at this point)
  11. Decide fate of broken washing machine (recycle, advertise as broken on CL, convert into turning wheel for ceramics?) and act upon decision
  12. Take down and clean up garden; give away plants
  13. Bind my thesis and give away
  14. Check about reprinting high-school diploma
  15. Pick up letter at bank
  16. Exchange photos from Cuetzalan trip with organizer (I took his; he took mine) before the semester is over
  17. Make photo calendar for aunt
  18. Make photo frame for aunt
  19. Make 2 kaleidoscopes for aunt & for M
  20. Finish binding journals and books
  21. Recover photo attached to glass; find out techniques so it doesn’t get damaged
  22. Measure frames and cut non-reflective glass to said sizes
  23. Decide on garage sale or used-stuff market
  24. Make acupuncture appointment and go
  25. Finish up stuff in pantry
  26. Decide fate of vacuum cleaner (fix or sell as is) and act
  27. Purge design portfolio and photograph it
  28. Digitize VHS and Betamax tapes; find out how and get cable or whatever; give tapes to aunt or sell at g. sale
  29. Digitize audio tapes
  30. Contact 5 friends I haven’t contacted so far here
  31. Purge magazines
  32. Cut up all fabrics; sew, sew, sew
  33. Decide on yarn and return unused to aunt
  34. Decide on sewing machine (trade with mom, aunt, sell?)
  35. Fix all the stuff in the “to-fix drawer” or else sell/give away as is
  36. Go through papers, notes, etc., in black case; review all things that must be done before I leave
  37. Recover my little ice chest from C and my board games from A
  38. Have A pick what he wants from the “out” pile; rest goes to g. sale
  39. Decide on bowling and roller skates
  40. Go through compilators and purge
  41. Backup 43Places, Lists of Bests, and All-Consuming
  42. Write down summer plan and budget
  43. Clean up Life List

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