Thursday, June 17, 2010


  • Sensing a distinct light after yesterday’s rain. The air seemed clear and, with the afternoon sun, everything looked crispier. Although the sky was heavily overcast, I took the opportunity to shoot the Cholula archeological area underneath the vegetation-covered pyramid topped with the church. In the photo, it looks sunnier than it actually was.
  • A walk to the market with Uma. On our way back, we passed by the Casa de la Cultura where they were giving away baby pines for us to plant. We had our picture taken with our new tree. Now I need to find it a suitable spot. I’m thinking my friends’ house where they’ll take care of it while it establishes. It’s a good effort from the municipality to involve the people and hopefully spread awareness of trees and plants. I’ve always thought this town seriously lacks in green areas —well, except for the farm lands within the town, but there are almost no trees.
  • Getting closer to finishing my dress for my event on Saturday. Although now I’m worrying that it might have come out a tad too formal. It’s not really a formal dress, just a cocktail dress. I was told that First Communions now have a “casual elegant” dress code. The dress was going to be a different design, but I changed it at the last minute so it would be more flattering, but I forgot to consider the shoes. Now I’m thinking that they may be too casual…mmmhh :S

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