Thursday, July 1, 2010


For the third Wednesday in a row, I’ve gone to the market, particularly to look for the sharpener man —with no luck. Due to all the sewing I’ve done lately, my scissors need some sharpening, and my chef knife could use a little sharpening, too. Well, third time was a charm. I gave up on the local sharpening man and decided to get a not-local sharpening stone in a local hardware store. I guess you can’t win them all.
While walking around, I spotted a woman selling anafres (a coal stove/grill) and other accessories. I’ve wanted to cook in my garden for so long, and I shouldn’t be spending the money, and I really don’t need the extra weight in my moving boxes, but I couldn’t help myself. I also bought a weaved-palm fan. I’m looking forward to do some good grilling this weekend…

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