Saturday, June 2, 2007


I've lost email accounts in the past because I didn't check in often enough. But I somehow sense that they're "standing by" waiting for me to reopen them. I would like to close them all for good.

My biggest problem, though, is that I'm signed up for a ton of newsletters that I seldom read, and I'm in a couple of groups/forums that the amount of email just piles up by the day! And then I see that I still have emails from previous jobs, and they're duplicate and triplicate!! ::sigh::

Do you ever have the feeling that you sign up for a bunch of stuff (email and others) and then you don't use them? Or that you have to register for many websites that you never come back to? It's like leaving a huge e-footprint - LOL!!

I need to do some serious e-spring cleaning ;)

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