Thursday, August 2, 2007

10+ years

Ten+ years ago, I briefly joined a bowling league. In all this years, I haven’t touched a bowling bowl except for every spring cleaning! LOL

After all these years, I finally went bowling yesterday with a bunch of friends and had a LOT of fun. Really enjoyed it! Yet I did miss my ball and shoes back home. Not sure if that had made a difference, but it’s always nice to have your own gear.

I was aiming to score at least 100, but I didn’t succeed in holding an average. In the first round at the 6th “inning” I was at 37!! Yet I managed to bring it up to score a 103. Next two rounds I scored 104 and 87 :P Well, not too bad for not bowling a single round in so many years :)

Though striking and sparing is very exciting, it’s really all about having good fun and drinking beer ;)

Oh, yeah, and I’ve got a blister on my thumb!!

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