Thursday, August 2, 2007

Overhead RIGHT NOW!!

10 o’clock sharp, the Blue Angels started practicing all over Seattle for this weekend’s show. It’s startling that for 2 hours now, they have been the only air traffic in town instead of the ubiquitous airport traffic!

They’ve been flying “relatively” high for two hours now, except once that one of them flew quite low and jerked to the left, delivering a rocketlike sound and a tail of smoke!

I remember a couple years ago, my brother called me while I was in Mexico, and, over the phone, those airplanes sounded like rockets, and it scared the heck out of me!! So actually, I wasn’t too excited of being in Seattle for this event. Especially since I now see that our house is under their route —they’ve flown over here at least 8 times :S

But hopefully, it should be quite a spectacle and amazing to watch this weekend over Lake Washington!

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