Saturday, February 27, 2010


  • My sweet jealous dog Uma started eating the dog food I had set for the lost dog. She’s not particularly fond of dry dog food unless she has to eat it, and she knows she eats home and not out in the street. So I called her to leave the food alone, and she would walk towards me. But as soon as she turned around to check and saw the dog eating the food, she returned to get him out of the food and start eating herself —I guess to show him who the boss is! She did it five or six times. I was laughing so hard —still laughing as I’m writing this— of how ridiculously jealous she got! This dog is taller and a lot younger than Uma and could fight her if he’d chose to, but he understands his place in the hierarchy and let her have the food.
    So she finally follows me leaving the food behind; but then the dog also follows us to tag along also leaving the food behind! LOL
    Above all, today I learned that dogs are more pack members and follow their leader more than eating food. One of the reasons I love dogs :)
  • I finally got a reply from the dog association in Puebla, and they’ll be happy to work with me to find the dog’s owners —or see about adoption— as long as I cooperate a bit further with them with the dog. I’ll be happy to, because now I feel I’m not alone in this.
  • I helped my good friends to set up their garden and gave them further instructions on how to plant seeds following the square-foot-gardening technique. I also told them to plant in steps; I had given them that all my seed packets so they got ahead with them, but today I found that they were ecstatic that the 20-something broccolis they had planted had sprouted all! We all had a laugh after I explained the practicality of planting say four broccolis this week, another four in a couple weeks, and so on… I’m liking working with them in their garden, not only because they’re of my best friends, but also as a substitute of the garden I won’t be having this year.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weeks #5, 6 & 7: Follow the 21-Day Program of Breathwork, Nutrition, and Exercise for Vitality and Sensuality of the book "Sexual Radiance"

My binge attacks from last week and my lack of serious commitment finally paid off with gaining three pounds. So I came to a point that enough is enough. Besides, I’ve been having some pains because of the poor shape I’m in.

Three days ago, I started a 21-day program (3 weeks) of breathwork, nutrition, and exercise from the book Sexual Radiance that I’ve had with me for 10 years, but, though I loved reading it, I have not put to practice. I am now loving putting it to practice. This first week is a bit off balance, but I hope to be better the next two weeks.

Current weight: 183
Pounds lost/gained: +3

Haiku #28

Brilliant moon above
luminescent subtlety
glowing through the night

Thursday, February 25, 2010


  • The moon! The photo is of yesterday’s moon
  • An avocado face-hands-elbows mask. I turned into a temporary Kermit, but my skin felt so soft afterwards.
  • I am really liking my diet. I can’t believe I didn’t try it since I first got hold of this book. Even if I don’t lose weight, this food is absolutely worth it.


Two trunks crossed by a volcano:

Happy + healthy birthday, Waterfall Nymph!

All the way from Mexico, here’s today’s sunset for you! I hope you had a fabulous day, and I wish you a great year to come :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunset #41

Today’s sunset —arguably the best of the year. The splendid huge clouds seem to follow the sun just behind the Popocatépetl volcano. The colors were redder, but it’s still spectacular.


  • A most amazing sunset today, arguably the best of the year. It displayed so many facets, it was hard to choose only one shot. This one was taken towards the end of it. Beautiful to marvel at!
  • One of my projects coming to an end.
  • Delicious food. I started a diet plan today, and it was delicious. It’s a reminder to look forward to well-made food, instead of eating junk and fast food.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

For my brother

I started a hat with double-pointed needles. It’ll be to match the sweater I knitted previously for him, though he needs not wear it together as a set.

I want to finish it this week before my friend —who’s visiting Mexico for a couple weeks— returns to Seattle and can give the hat and the sweater to my brother.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


  • I took an unplanned mini-road trip with no predetermined destination.
    In an effort to escape from the firecrackers, I drove with Uma out of town to be able to walk her somewhere. I ended up following the sunset; it took me less than 10km to find this spot. This is the last shot I got before my battery died!!!
  • The lost dog I found the other day is still around. I’ve gained his trust. Yesterday he played chase with my neighbor’s dog, and his tail was up and wagging. Today he followed me home, but, when I opened the gate, he ran back to the store. Looking up who he belongs to has not been easy in a town where there’s no shelter or organized canine association.
  • A very lazy morning on 43T.

Haiku #27

heat melting fresh snow
translucent fumes exhaling
dangerously close

Day 84: +1 = 41 countries

41. Portugal

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ten days left

Two thirds of the months have passed, and I haven’t consistently improved my fitness and nutrition :( I have been focusing on other things, but there’s still some time left —not to make up for lost time, but if I do something these ten days it will still be better than none at all.


  • I fed a dog who was evidently lost. He was in front of the store I went to. He ate the half kilo of dog food I gave him. The poor thing was wet and cold and with his tail between his legs. He accepted the food not-too-trustingly at first, and then he still was very cautious, and he began to show his teeth if I approached him. So that was all I could do for him. I hope he found some shelter tonight.
  • I started knitting again after just a short hiatus.
  • My sweet dog likes to snuggle next to me, so she takes up half the bed. As I’m typing this, she’s having dreams, and her hind legs are moving as if she was running. Due to the weather and firecrackers, I haven’t been able to walk her in two days now, so I guess she just gets to run in her dreams now :S


As a special thing for my anniversary on 43T, I’m dropping my “last name”, and I shall be just “Luna”.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

For my aunt

For my aunt’s birthday, I thought of making her a calendar with her children and grandchildren. I’ll just need to find some templates.


  • George Clooney.
  • I went to the theater to see “Up in the Air”. It is always rewarding to leave the theater feeling good about the film you just saw, even if it’s not a feel-good movie precisely. My only complaint is with the translating of the title to Spanish: “Amor sin Escalas” (loosely translated to “Love without Stops” or “Non-stop Love” ugh :P). “Arriba en el Aire” —which is in fact the literal translation and is perfectly fitting— reflects faithfully the essence of the film. I don’t understand why marketeers insist on naming movies with these cheesy cheap-flick titles in order to supposedly attract more audiences…
  • I spent the day with one of my best friends at the movie theater, lunch, coffee, and then some errands. When we said goodbye, she thanked me for getting her out of her daily routine. She said she felt we were back in high school and we were “skipping classes”. It did feel that way :)

Day 80: +2 = 40 countries

39. Panama

40. Singapore

Giving this up temporarily

While we’re living in this town, I’ll be content if I walk Uma once a day. If it happens twice, I’ll be happier.
Today we had morning firecrackers and evening rain. She got no walk today :(
When we move, I’ll bring this goal back to my list.

Week #4: Breathe correctly consciously

This week, I’ll be learning some techniques to breathe.

Last week, I suffered from a binge attack, and I’m surprised I actually managed to drop 2 pounds in two weeks. Maybe I was retaining water last week. I’m on schedule, but deep down I feel these 2 pounds lost were a little gift, maybe a nudge to keep me going. I need to do better.

Current weight: 180
Pounds lost/gained: -2

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My friend swinging in a terrace on the cliffs of the gorge

My new and fulfilling activity in January was my trip to Zacatlán with a very good friend of mine and her family. It was a two-day trip just a couple hours north of Cholula.

When we arrived —and for the rest of the day— it was very foggy, and it gave the town a very mystic feeling. I wish I had had more time to go photographing, but I think I got some good shots. We enjoyed delicious food and great talking with all her family. The second day was sunny, and we visited their friend who has some cabins in an eco-green-hostel in the perimeter of the gorge.

All around, it was a delightful trip, which was spiritually fulfilling as well :)


A forged “H” in a fence:


  • I had a M.A.S.H. moment when a helicopter approached the fields where I was walking Uma and the neighbor’s dog this morning. It turned out there were four helicopters transporting diverse politicians that came to inaugurate an athletic field for the town of San Andrés, just a couple hundred meters away from the bottom of the pyramid. I thought it was a bit exaggerated for a field that is equivalent to any US high school’s, but here it’s a major investment, and I guess it needed some kind of ceremonial official opening; supposedly, the helicopters were transporting the president! This information I took with a grain of salt as it came from one of the guards in the perimeter. “Highly unlikely”, I thought, “like he doesn’t have many much more important things to do or inaugurate. Yet, the governor might have quite likely been there, despite all the much more important things he should be doing.” I wonder if all the paraphernalia around this event (helicopters, policemen, army men, press, etc.) cost more than the field itself…
  • I’m advancing in my long-procrastinated projects. It feels so good to be working on getting them out of my system!
  • An extra-long nap.

Happy joyful birthday, lob!!


  • Watching an unexpected bike rider ;) He was on his way to the vet to get checked on.
  • Having a morning walk with Uma. I haven’t been able to walk her for the past couple of days due to the stupid firecrackers —this weekend were upgraded to bombs! Even I jumped!
  • Coming back to 43T :)

Sunset #40

The passionate magenta glows in the middle of the two volcanoes, allegorizing the love legend of the manly Popo and the sleeping woman.

Seen from the top of the pyramid in Cholula. February 9, 2010.

Sunset #39

The fiery clouds behind the silhouette of the Popo. February 13, 2010.

Sunset #38

Closeup of the last rays of sun setting on the cloudy hillside of the Popocatépetl volcano. February 9, 2010.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Checking in: Week 4 - Recovering a Sense of Integrity

Morning Pages
6/7 I have been very consistent with them —just skipped one because the day got on going, and I never got to write them.

Artist Date
Ironically to what the author says, I did rent a movie (two actually), and it’s the first time I do this for an artist date. I hadn’t watched movies in a while like I used to, so it has felt good to be watching movies again —which I love. Moreover, I stumbled upon an accidental artist date, plus I did a bunch of activities (instead of reading) that could be considered as AD.

It’s happening all the time, and I feel I should write them down. I think I’m getting so accustomed to so many synchronicities that I’m failing to acknowledge them consciously.

Other Issues
I slipped a couple times about reading, when I was searching for some information, and I caught myself immersing into the biographies of Henri Matisse and of Simone De Beauvoir. Otherwise, I was good. I skimmed to read only work-related emails; I didn’t even read a magazine article; I completely gave up 43T for a week and, even though I was tempted to check on my profile page, I didn’t at all. I wish I had that kind of self-discipline with other aspects of my life, such as my eating habits, for instance, which have been at almost an all-time low.
I did get to do a few things that I normally don’t because I don’t allot the time to them. I actually did a few activities that were in the TAW list, such as: sew curtains, rewire a lamp, watercolor, mend, learn French (unsuccessfully, tho, due to technicalities). Besides, some friends had me over for brunch to their countryside cottage, and so I would advise them on how to plant their veggie patch. I also enjoyed some quality time with my brother who visited briefly from Toronto. We had a long chat, then lunch, then a movie —we both agreed not a very good one—, and then one of the most glorious sunsets of the year on my way home. I didn’t have my camera with me, so I just had to enjoy it from the car window. Gorgeous!
However, I don’t feel I took full advantage of this week-long reading/computer deprivation because I indulged on watching many movies, so a lot of my hours went there. But at least I saw the advantage of allotting less time particularly to computer time; so that one will see its share of time slots dramatically reduced.
The changes are coming two steps forward, one step backwards, but they’re happening. I’m letting it flow, and I’m working to make things happen.

Some quotes taken from the author Julia Cameron
  • “If you want to work on your art, work on your life.” —Chekhov
  • “As we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misconceptions.”
  • “[...] change we have set in motion through our own hand [...]”
  • “Creativity is grounded [not in fantasy but] in reality, in the particular, the focused, the well observed or specifically imagined.”
  • “We become available to the moment.”
  • “[...] experience the freedom of solitude [...]”
  • “Be prepared for bursts of tears and of laughter [...] bursts of spontaneous singing, dancing, running.”
  • “Just keep walking.”
  • “You are no longer stuck, but you cannot tell where you are going.”
  • “Our willingness swings this inner door open.”
  • “Use your morning pages —or part of them— for written affirmation of your progress.”
  • “It is a paradox that by emptying our lives of distractions we are actually filling the well. Without distractions, we are once again thrust into the sensory world.”
  • “We often cannot hear our own inner voice, the voice of our artist’s inspiration, above the static.”
  • “We gobble the words of others rather than digest our own thoughts and feelings, rather than cook up something of our own.”

Week #4

This week, I stumbled upon an unexpected artist date when I was walking Uma, and I was enjoying the sunset on top the pyramid. I saw a few people come up with what looked like partiture stands. I approached them to ask if they were heading to an event. They said they would be performing in a jazz quartet concert up at the church. I lingered around for half an hour to then enjoy a very nice intimate concert in the church. I had never heard a saxophone’s quartet, and it was glorious to listen to. I even got goose bumps when they played “La Bikina” —one of my favorite songs. Though this was an accidental artist date, it could also count as a blind artist date ;)

How can one not love the moon?

Oh, beautiful moon! And we’re just coming out of the new moon of the New Lunar Year :)

I’m leaving this week with today’s moon taken a bit after sunset:
This has to be the thinnest moon I’ve ever seen. The pic did not come too good because of the atmospheric interference.

Challenge succeeded... or so, so

Consciously depriving yourself from reading is a challenge. I caught myself a couple of times reading, but corrected immediately. We unconsciously read all the time, that we don’t even pay attention to it.

I know something changed in me this week, but I can’t quite word it yet. The objective of doing this was to give our time allotted to reading towards other activities. I accomplished many, but my weakness here was to indulge in movie watching.

I’d like to repeat this experience sometime soon, but now with absolutely no movies.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Off for the week of Feb 8-14

As a task in “The Artist’s Way” course I’m currently following, I shall complete a week of reading deprivation, and, by extension, of tv and computer. I’ll continue working on several of my goals.

I’m curious to find out what this week will reveal…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

At least 5 times a week

I’ve been doing calisthenics. I’m doing sets of 12 repetitions. They’re feeling very good to do, and though my joints sometimes “complain” a little, I feel that they’re “talking” less than when I first started stretching and doing these exercises.

I will continue doing them at least five times a week, but I’m going to mark this goal as done.


  • A Sunday d’Amoureux. Stolen intimate moments of couples at the pyramid, just below the church, and among all the kite-flyers.
  • I gave a big hug to my brother visiting from Toronto. I hadn’t seen him since last March. We’ll be seeing each other again tomorrow for lunch and a movie.
  • Five of the family went for dinner as a treat from my brother. It was a nice seafood restaurant, and the food was superb! There was laughter and, in general, a good atmosphere, but I couldn’t help but have this not-so-faint feeling that we were the incarnation of the Simpsons. Ah, what a family! lol

I'm in!!

How appropriate for the last week of the lunar year! And, of course, I can never say “no” to a moon goal ;)

I’ll be using the photo of the crescent moon, which is smiling at all of us :) —taken earlier in this last moon cycle a bit after the new moon

Thanks, bedhead, for the invite :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little early here, but it's already your birthday in Barcelona!

I took this photo of the kite just today at sunset. Many people fly their kites on one of the platforms of the pyramid.


  • My neighbor’s crazy dogs! Today, as usual, they went over-enthusiastic when they saw me pass their door. Uma stayed home because she refused to go out due to the firecrackers —today they sounded more like cannons, even I jumped—, but I needed to go up the pyramid to buy some chocolate from a street vendor to give to my brother (tomorrow when I see him), so he brings it back to Toronto to share with the family.
    While walking with me, the two dogs crossed paths with another dog, and they came onto a grass field —where grass is grown to sell as rolls—, and they found their ultimate dog park! Dogs are so much fun to watch when they’re having the time of their lives!
  • Delicious tamales. I hadn’t had them in a while, and though they’re the antithesis of a diet —or boot camp :P—, they were glorious to eat. Very moist and tasty.
  • My hammock. Today it saw its way out again to the garden. I wrote my morning pages while blissfully resting on it. The weather today was absolutely wonderful. I can’t believe just a couple of days ago we couldn’t even get out our houses with so much rain.

On hold for a little while

I wanted to follow my yoga instruction DVD a couple months ago, only to find that neither my computer nor my DVD player can read it anymore. I just played it for 3 or 4 times, and now it’s not working.

I know I’ll retake this sooner than later, but not in the next couple of months.

Except for a salad I had for lunch

this sooo didn’t happen today :S

Tamales street vendor

This morning I came across the woman who sells tamales a few blocks from my house. It had been a while that I hadn’t bought from her because I just hadn’t happen to pass by her.

When I saw her cart, I knew I had to get my overdue tamales that I didn’t eat on the big national holiday of the Candelaria this past Feb. 2nd, when it is a must to have tamales for breakfast. I wanted two tamales and an atole (a thick milky, floury, flavored beverage) —this really blew up my Feb. boot camp goal :P

However, I only had a $500 bill (about $40), and street vendors normally don’t carry that much change. Nevertheless, she offered that I take the tamales and that I could pay her later, that she knew me because she always sees me walking with Uma somewhere around town. With so much trust, how can you not be obliged? I thanked her while, at the same time, another customer offered to change my bill. And so I did, and paid her then and there.

Of course, her tamales tasted extra special today :)

Friday, February 5, 2010


  • What kept me inspired with yesterday’s rainy day was imagining that the rain would be snow high up in the volcanoes and, once the weather cleared the view would be spectacular. It was.
  • The electricity company still has 5 hours left according to their response time of 30, but they better not be knocking here at 3 am!
    Good thing we contacted an electrician early in the morning. He figured it was not an internal thing. We checked all the breakers next to the external meters, and one of them was red. It was not numbered, but it was a no-brainer that that one was ours. There was a slit in the cage that protects the meters and breakers from anyone messing around with them. Well, we did. With a wooden stick, he reached through it to turn the breaker on, and voilà, our electricity was back. It seems there’s some humidity in the bricks around the breaker that prevented it from turning back on. That will be the job of the electricity company to fix. In the meantime, we had to apply Mexican devising around Mexican bureaucracy… and cages.
  • Nap time. Having no electricity and water was stressful. Though it was solved, I was exhausted.


  • We were rained in. Even before dawn, I heard the rain starting, and it didn’t stop well into the night. Constant rain, all day, some gusts, no breathers. At 10 pm in a light drizzle, I was able to walk Uma to the corner of the street and back. It was a very wet day. It was reminiscent of the later years of Macondo in “One Hundred Years of Solitude”. I talked to family and some friends in Mexico City, and they’re all well. It was funny that they also thought about García Márquez’s tale; it really was that wet. I have yet to find how many mm of rain we got, but I’m sure it was a lot.
  • I spent the whole day working on a project. Rain has a strange quality that, while it soothes, it makes you focus on your work.
    Late in the afternoon, due to the rain, we had a black out. It lasted over 30 minutes, and I had to go to the other side of town to a Starbucks to get internet connection to send the project. It isn’t really far —it’s a small town—, but I’m thankful I didn’t get stranded with so much flooding.
  • When I got back home, the electricity was back… everyone except us!! We tried the breakers, and they were definitely out. We called the company; they gave us our report number… and a maximum response time of 30 hours (!)
    It is impressive how dependent we are of certain commodities that we take for granted. I did not know what to do with myself for such a long, dark evening ahead. Finally, I decided to read with the light of a candle, the 4th chapter of “The Artist’s Way”, and then I watched a movie until the battery of my mac died.

Haiku #26

Glorious Popo
the rain quieted your smoke
tranquil under snow

Sunset #37

Florence, Italy. The Ponte Vecchio over the Arno River. Taken circa winter/spring 1989. The colors of this sunset show their age.

Sunset #36

Florence, Italy, view from Oltrarno. The Arno River and the silhouetting structures of Il Duomo, Santa Croce, and Palazzo Vecchio can be appreciated. Taken circa winter/spring 1989. The colors of this sunset show their age.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sunset #35

A different kind of sunset in its limits with dusk/night. A planet sparkles in the horizon —could be Venus or Jupiter, or even Saturn. Somewhere near Guadalajara, Mexico. Taken up at 10,000 meters high on November 29, 2007.


  • I fed a severely-injured dog. I don’t think he has the energy to look for food. He’s in a bad shape, and there’s no animal shelter here. I’ll have to see if there can be made some arrangements with the vet.
  • I finally was able to walk Uma twice. Lately, it has been hard to walk her even once because of the firecrackers, which, by the way, today is the first day since I got here last April that they’ve put them in a complete rest. Ah! It felt so nice for a change.
  • I talked on the phone with my three brothers. One of them arrived yesterday for a 10-day visit from Toronto, so I expected his call to make plans to see each other over the next days. Also, I had planned to talk to my brother in Seattle. The one that came completely as a surprise was of my youngest brother, all the way from Valencia, Spain, where he’s doing his master’s.

Happy birthday (again), Indigo Divaah!

I sent you a little message yesterday. I’m happy nicolasc created this goal for you!

What I forgot to say yesterday is that I hope you’ve had an illuminated birthday and that you continue to illuminate daily for the rest of the year :)

Item #11: old stationery

Somehow, 30-year-old stationery (with rainbows, Snoopy…) has survived all these years and all my moves —even transatlantic ones— without being sent. I don’t believe they’ll be sent anytime in the next 30 years, and, with email, it is less likely to happen. It is a pity that the art of writing letters is being lost at vertiginous speed, but if I do happen to feel like writing a real letter, I’ll get stationery with my current tastes.

Some of the rescuable pages I’ll be turning them to sketchbooks. The rest won’t be embarking in yet another transatlantic move.

I'm liking this

I’m drawing at least five days a week, just a 15-20-minute session on my morning pages. I need to practice more expressions, and hands! Maybe do focused practices on certain parts and not do the whole person.

A few days ago, while sketching, I remembered an exercise my art teacher in high school made me practice. It was to follow the contour of an object or objects without looking at the paper. I did it for a set of hands, and now I want to do more of these exercises. I really like them, even if they turn out very disproportionate.


  • Colorful children running, playing, laughing.
  • Today I indulged in a nice session of pampering: a hair mask, a face mask (with the leftovers used in hands and elbows), and waxing. I feel refreshened and exhilaratingly reconnected with myself :)
  • Dancing. I had the house to myself, and cranked the music up and danced. It felt so liberating!

Week #3: Do calisthenics daily

I’ve been doing some calisthenics combined with some stretching. I’m adding this goal to my life list.

Weight: 182
Pounds: 0

Checking in: Week 3 - Recovering a Sense of Power

Morning Pages
Did the seven of them. They’ve become more like journal pages with not much introspection. It could be because I’m not writing them immediately after waking up. I should make an effort so they don’t become “afternoon” pages.

Artist Date
I took a long walk up the pyramid up to the church on top of it. I went around the atrium to contemplate the view of the big city of Puebla and, to the other side, Cholula with the volcanoes as a backdrop. I also went inside the church because, although I have photographed it plenty from the outside, I had never been inside. I found it follows the architecture and fashion of other churches nearby. There’s an appeal to see cities from above and the landscape in the distance. It gives you a feeling of wholeness, of belonging.

I’m awed by all the synchronicity around me. I feel that I have moved, than I’m making things happen, and the responsive universe might actually be acting and reacting.

Other Issues
I have begun to be more constant in drawing; just for a 15-20 minutes a day, I’m doing one or two practice drawings, but at least it’s getting my hand “un-rusty”.
I’m a bit behind tasks. I’m missing one from wk 1, one from wk 2, and 5 from this wk. I intend to catch up in the next week or two.

Some quotes taken from the author Julia Cameron
  • “Anger is meant to be listened to [...] to be acted upon. It is not meant to be acted out.”
  • “[Answered prayers] imply responsibility.[...] We call it coincidence. We call it luck. We call it anything but what it is —the hand of God, or good, activated by our own hand when we act in behalf of our truest dreams, when we commit to our own soul.”
  • “We’re much more afraid that there might be a God than we are that there might not be. [...] Most of us are a lot more comfortable feeling we’re not being watched too closely.”
  • “Possibility is far more frightening than impossibility.”
  • “Life is what we make of it.”
  • “[...] the possibility of an intelligent and responsive universe, acting and reacting in our interests.”
  • “The what must come before the how.”
  • “It is difficult to avoid walking through the many doors that will open.”
  • “[Art] illuminates us. [...] It brings healing.”
  • “We must learn when criticism is appropriate and from whom [...] timing is very important here.”
  • “As artists, we must learn to create our own safe environments.”
  • “If you do one nice thing a day for yourself, God will do two more.”

Jan boot camp grade=59

It’s been a loooong time since I’ve got a grade, but I thought it appropriate to grade myself here to measure my success: I accomplished 59% which could be translated to “Fail”, but, like ExGratia affirms, 59 is a lot better than zero, so that already is a success.

Observing my graph, I can see where I can make improvements, and today I “made up” by having a 2-hour pampering session plus a dancing session!! Ah! I feel so good today and very motivated.

I believe that the biggest success of this January Boot Camp is that it has gotten me going; I’ve gained momentum that is pushing me forward. So on to Feb’s boot camp.

I want to thank ExGratia for setting up these goals and for everyone who has joined. With a little or great amount of input, we have created a fabulous synergy that I’m sure will continue on :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


  • Nice weather and breathtaking sunsets
  • I walked Uma at an earlier hour than usual to avoid the ever-present firecrackers. Except for two or three, the walk was almost uneventful. It must’ve been their nap time.
  • The design for the menus I’m working on is pleasing my client; I’m also satisfied with how they’re coming about.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A bit-belated birthday wish

I hope you had a totally rad birthday with many photo opportunities, but especially with lots of hugs and doggie kisses :)

Chocolate street vendor

Last week, coming down from the pyramid, I spotted a street vendor who sold chocolate in tablets (pictured in the basket). She gave me a tiny bit to try, and I bought a pack to bring home.

My dad made some hot chocolate a couple days later, and he says it’s the best chocolate he has ever had. That is quite the compliment, since Oaxacan chocolate is even more famous than Pueblan.

Today I saw the woman again, and she told me that she makes the chocolate herself :) Could buying locally get any better?

Entry #24: Last week

I maintained my success percentage from last week; no improvement :/