Friday, February 5, 2010


  • What kept me inspired with yesterday’s rainy day was imagining that the rain would be snow high up in the volcanoes and, once the weather cleared the view would be spectacular. It was.
  • The electricity company still has 5 hours left according to their response time of 30, but they better not be knocking here at 3 am!
    Good thing we contacted an electrician early in the morning. He figured it was not an internal thing. We checked all the breakers next to the external meters, and one of them was red. It was not numbered, but it was a no-brainer that that one was ours. There was a slit in the cage that protects the meters and breakers from anyone messing around with them. Well, we did. With a wooden stick, he reached through it to turn the breaker on, and voilà, our electricity was back. It seems there’s some humidity in the bricks around the breaker that prevented it from turning back on. That will be the job of the electricity company to fix. In the meantime, we had to apply Mexican devising around Mexican bureaucracy… and cages.
  • Nap time. Having no electricity and water was stressful. Though it was solved, I was exhausted.

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