Friday, February 26, 2010

Weeks #5, 6 & 7: Follow the 21-Day Program of Breathwork, Nutrition, and Exercise for Vitality and Sensuality of the book "Sexual Radiance"

My binge attacks from last week and my lack of serious commitment finally paid off with gaining three pounds. So I came to a point that enough is enough. Besides, I’ve been having some pains because of the poor shape I’m in.

Three days ago, I started a 21-day program (3 weeks) of breathwork, nutrition, and exercise from the book Sexual Radiance that I’ve had with me for 10 years, but, though I loved reading it, I have not put to practice. I am now loving putting it to practice. This first week is a bit off balance, but I hope to be better the next two weeks.

Current weight: 183
Pounds lost/gained: +3

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