Saturday, February 6, 2010


  • My neighbor’s crazy dogs! Today, as usual, they went over-enthusiastic when they saw me pass their door. Uma stayed home because she refused to go out due to the firecrackers —today they sounded more like cannons, even I jumped—, but I needed to go up the pyramid to buy some chocolate from a street vendor to give to my brother (tomorrow when I see him), so he brings it back to Toronto to share with the family.
    While walking with me, the two dogs crossed paths with another dog, and they came onto a grass field —where grass is grown to sell as rolls—, and they found their ultimate dog park! Dogs are so much fun to watch when they’re having the time of their lives!
  • Delicious tamales. I hadn’t had them in a while, and though they’re the antithesis of a diet —or boot camp :P—, they were glorious to eat. Very moist and tasty.
  • My hammock. Today it saw its way out again to the garden. I wrote my morning pages while blissfully resting on it. The weather today was absolutely wonderful. I can’t believe just a couple of days ago we couldn’t even get out our houses with so much rain.

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