Tuesday, January 19, 2010


  • A morning walk with Uma: a clear day with the spectacular snowed volcanoes, people jogging pepped me up —I was in my Jan-boot-camp walk myself—, farmers sowing the fields with horses… it was the perfect laid out stage for a great day ahead…
  • Though it was a relatively quiet day, it turned out to be a great day —the kind that are life-changing. I got the call from the Spanish Consulate. Tomorrow, I’ll go by to pick up my papers. I called my brother to give him the news, and I just bursted briefly into tears from elation! I was ecstatic! He was truly happy for me :)
  • Sparklers: I had bought them for the holidays, but didn’t get to them then. Today, however, seemed the perfect day to light them and play around with them :)

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