Monday, January 25, 2010


  • A handsome view of the Church of the Virgin of the Remedies seen from mid-way up the pyramid. Very nice weather in the last week. No clouds at all, very stable. Gorgeous sunsets.
  • A very-long talk over the phone with my aunt A in Mexico City. She’s more like a big sister to me, as she’s barely six years older. We caught up on everything and talked about a full range of topics, from the upcoming Winter Olympics to having her accompany me to the Frida Kahlo museum/house next time i come visit. She also added going to Leon Trotsky’s house in our tour.
  • Retaking the book “The Artist’s Way” is helping me to refocus. I hope that this time around I do finish it. I’m awed by so many serendipitous coincidences that are happening. Maybe it’s because I am taking action, and I am making things happen.

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