Friday, January 29, 2010


  • Remembering my beloved Gala. Here she is playing in the sand she loved :) Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the day she died. I woke up to my morning pages and wrote the full length of them about her. I remembered her with a smile. I spoke on the phone with my brother, and we both talked about nice memories of her.
  • A nice meal and a movie at my aunt’s. Just as I was about to leave, and we were talking about the movie, I barely mentioned Gala’s anniversary, and, suddenly, I don’t know what happened, but I broke down in tears. My aunt gave me a long, warm, and very loving hug, very heartfelt. I kept on crying to myself for a good 20 minutes on the bus ride home; the 30 minute walk from the stop helped me dissipate my head. The night was clear and the moon was glorious.
  • The full Moon with Mars very close.

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