Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Content with my beginning efforts

As I’m embarking on watercoloring again, I realized I needed to shake off my rusty drawing hand. Plus, the base of a good painting will always be a good drawing. So I’m doing a daily 10-15 min practice as a goal within the January BootCamp, and I’m very pleased with the results.

Oh, I know I could go on forever on noticing all the bad proportions, lack of expression, so-so shading, Uma’s eye gone askew… and I didn’t even finish that one because she looks nothing like my beloved doggie, but I’m not going to beat myself over it. I need to practice more, but I believe it has been a good start, especially because I’m doing it. And, as Julia Cameron writes in her book “The Artist’s Way”, “I’m giving myself permission to be a beginner”... well, to be a beginner again :)

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