Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cien Años de Soledad

This is the best book I’ve read in my life! It is magnificent, an authentic pleasure to read. It grabs you from the very first sentence, but it is nothing compared to the huge grin you catch yourself having when you read the last line. Writing about it brings a smile to my face :)

It is a fantastic novel said to be of the genre of “magical realism”. García Márquez’s literary style is genius and drifts you along effortlessly and fascinatingly, despite some sad moments and confusing ones —like trying to tell apart the 20+ Aurelianos, José Arcadios, Úrsulas, Remedios, etc.

On a personal note, I feel moreover connected to this book as it was conceived at the same time I was ;) Also, reading this master piece in its original language (Spanish) is a privilege.

Thank you, Gabriel García Márquez, for bringing Macondo to our lives.

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