Saturday, October 24, 2009

Unintentional dreadlocks

For a while, I had considered growing long, beautiful dreadlocks, but I decided not to, since I found that they actually take a lot of work and care, and I certainly do not meet that profile now like I did twenty years ago when I really devoted myself to my hair. I have come to a point where I basically only wash my hair, air-dry it, and put it in a bun or ponytail. Some would consider it neglect, but I just call it “simple and uncomplicated”.

Turns out that I may have gone too far in simple and uncomplicated and, with downright neglect, I have managed to unintentionally grow two dreadlocks and a hint of a third one. I really didn’t notice —that’s how bad I am— until I began to feel some pull by my hair’s weight a couple days ago.

I decided that that would be as far as my dreadlocks’ experience would go, so today I brushed the dreadlocks out, and I’m unto taking better care of my hair from now on.

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