Friday, October 23, 2009


Starting is the hardest step to make. I have made some serious attempts in the past —and some not-so-serious— of dedicating myself to photography. Being a constant nomad and never lingering in a place too long, an established photography business is not a possibility. Having photography as a side-career makes full sense. I’ve been struggling with myself as to what path I should take. While I make these decisions, I’m just going to take whatever opportunity I find to practice and to promote myself.

I recently took a set of photos of my neighbor’s dogs. They’re breeders, and they’ll use the photos in their site. I’m not sure if I made the best decision of giving the photos away as a way to promote myself in exchange of letting me take their photos and sell those photos on my account. They were low res, but still. I know this will be a path of learning through mistakes and successes. Maybe this wasn’t a mistake and may turn into good recommendations. At least I have started.

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