Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How to try "The Pomodoro Technique"

"Focused, efficient, productive."

How I did it:
  1. I went to the Pomodoro Techinque website. I downloaded the free pdf and worksheets.
  2. I set up two timers in my computer: one for 25 minutes for the pomodoro and the other for 3 minutes for the break (I can always take an extra 2 minutes if I wish/need to).
  3. I followed the instructions on the pdf by setting the timer and focusing on the task at hand for each pomodoro. 

Lessons & tips: Instead of the worksheets, I use my Franklin Covey planner. The worksheets are very similar to the technique of the planner, so combining them both works good for me.

Resources: Pomodoro Technique for the free pdf and worksheets.

It took me 3 weeks.

It made me accomplished

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