Tuesday, March 2, 2010

26 Things: February 2010

I decided to start this goal when I came across it a day after I had taken a rainbow picture. I thought to myself that I had probably already taken the hardest one of the lot —yeah, right—, and so I embarked myself in this very fun project to complete. Some photos are for laughs, others to think about, and others just are.
Here’s my array of photos:

Building structures with the Popocatépetl volcano in the background.

More like playing “chase”.

My dog Uma coveting a cat on the neighbor’s roof.

Working hands.

An eye that never gets to see the outside world.

These two really fancy each other.

A stack of egg cartons under the hot sun.

Dogs line up for a female in heat.

A brand new license plate for a not-so-brand-new car.

An owner set up his dog on the bike to take him to the vet.

You could hear the blasting music 10 minutes away from here.

Sometimes the full moon rises behind the church.

Garden disposals are burnt after visitors are gone.

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