Sunday, March 21, 2010

Out of my Mac

Yesterday, my Mac’s battery died when I was on a cheer-giving spree. I did not understand why it happened because it was plugged in. Ah! But then I noticed that the power cord was not making the right connection, and I noticed that its protective plastic had cracked, and the wires had lightly pulled apart, and they were making no connection. I’m thankful it didn’t make a short and ruin my computer!

My Mac will turn 5 next June, and this is the first time I have a problem with it (and it really is a problem of wear and tear). So I’m lightening up and not make a big fuzz about it, even though I’m now working on my dad’s computer (a PC :P), and the keyboard is driving me crazy, and all the type on the screen is hideous (not to mention the interface!), and I cannot find where to darken the screen that’s killing my eyes from so much brightness (the keyboard button is not working and the control panel doesn’t have an adjustment thingie anywhere). But at least I installed Firefox for my dad which he will hopefully like better than Explorer.

I’ll have to see about fixing the cable or trying to get a new one (hard to do for such an ‘old’ computer). I hope I can accomplish this tomorrow, because I can’t access anything on my Mac for work. So I won’t be posting much here until then. I’ll see about updating my avatar for the equinoctial goal and maybe a couple other things, but I feel alien to this computer.

But it’s really not bad my situation, and it will give me time to do other things :)

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