Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just a sample of my geekness :P

A couple weekends ago, I camped overnight at my friends M & I’s front yard with some other friends that also stayed overnight after a long karaoke session.

As I was trying to get to sleep —because even in the middle of nowhere, the farm fauna was howling, barking, quacking non-stop—, I began to think of the people left to stay overnight. The next morning at breakfast, I told M, “Of the group here, you don’t belong to it. Can you guess why?” So not only M but the other 3 were trying to guess why he didn’t belong, but they couldn’t. When they gave up, I explained, “Well, I’m A, she’s E, your wife is I, the birthday boy is O, and my dog is U, so you’re the only consonant here!!”

They stared at me for a moment, then at each other almost giggling, and they finally laughed —not without rolling their eyes! LOL They told me that I was such a geek. I defended myself that I couldn’t get to sleep, and I just got into thinking. Then O proclaimed himself even a bigger geek than me when he admitted that to get to sleep he calculated the distance of each animal howling, barking, quacking!! ROFL

As graphic designers, geekness is part of our profile… but when you combine geek with creativity, and then you put a bunch of them together, we have the silliest get-togethers —even after 20 years :D

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